So long, and thanks for all the fish
Friday, October 03, 2014 |As so many of my friends and peers have done before me, it’s time to use that admittedly overplayed Douglas Adams quote and announce my departure from Oracle.
I joined Sun Microsystems in July of 2008 as a member of the GlassFish team, working primarily on the Administration Console. Over time, I would add REST to my work load, which has been my primary responsibility for the past few years.
I’ve had the opportunity and honor to work with some very smart and talented people over the last six years. I’ve learned a lot from them, and made some great friends. While it’s nothing as drastic as the destruction of the Earth to make way for an intergalactic highway, the time has come, though, to bid farewell to those friends and the job that’s offered me so much opportunity and growth and move on to a new venture and more great opportunities and chances to learn and grow.
It’s been a pleasure.