My First Android App: Cub Tracker
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 |
Over the weekend, I published my first Android application, Cub Tracker. Cub Tracker is really a pretty simple application, but one born out of a personal need. My oldest son is a Cub Scout Wolf, and I am his den leader. There have been countless times where we had been out somewhere, and my wife and I would ask each other, "I wonder if there’s a Cub Scout achievement or elective for this?" At the time, there was no easy to find out. There are web sites that list these, of course, but it wasn’t convenient to load the page and search it while we’re in the middle of something.
Given what I do for a living, I immediately thought, "There should be an app for that!" and Cub Tracker was born. I won’t go into all the details here (there’s a site for that, though it’s pretty bare at the moment), but Cub Tracker allows you to track the achievements and electives of one or more Cub Scouts on your mobile device. It will also generate a report that can be emailed to, say, your Scout’s den leader.
It’s not flashy and probably isn’t very exciting for many people, but I’m pretty proud of it and expect I’ll get a lot of use out of it. If you have a Scout, please check it out and let me know what you think.