Ajaxifiying JSF
Thursday, July 27, 2006 |In October, I will be presenting Ajax at the <a target="_newwindow" href="http://wiki.okcjug.org">Oklahoma City Java Users Group</a>, of which I am a member (and vice president now, by the way, for what that’s worth). As I’ve prepared for that talk, I’ve thought quite a bit about the web apps I write, which are, for the most part, pretty boring. I like to think that they’re functional, but I have to admit that they’re pretty plain. Ajax, though, along with the Javascript pretties that usually accompany an Ajaxified application, is a good way of fixing that "problem", assuming it’s done properly. That line of thinking has affected how I’ve approached a new app I started at work, but finding a library that works well with JSF (read as, in a JSF-friendly manner) has been a bit of a challenge.
My goal with this part of the app is role and group management for users. The behavior I was hoping to achieve was to allow the web user to select a system user from a list box (<h:selectOneListbox/>
), and have four other list boxes (<h:selectManyListbox/>
) populated with the assigned roles, avaialble roles, assigned groups, and available groups for the selected user. Pretty simple, in theory.
My first effort used Direct Web Remoting (DWR), and it worked pretty well. The documentation was a bit difficult for me to follow (which could be more my fault than the docs), but, with a little persistence, I got it working. It was not pretty, though. Here’s what my view markup looked like:
<h:selectOneListbox id="users" size="20" style="width: 175px"
<f:selectItems value="#{authBean.users}" />
with the accompanying Javascript looking like this:
function getUserRoles(elem) {
var id = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value;
AuthBean.getDwrUserRolesMap(populateRoles, id);
The ugly part was the JSF code. One of the main complaints I heard about DWR and JSF going into this effort is that DWR lives outside the JSF lifecycle, and that showed itself in how I handled the server side. I’ll not show the code as it’s not that interesting, but I basically created four Map`s (they translate quite nicely to Javascript associative arrays), populate them with the appropriate data, and return them all in a `List
. Here is what the populateRoles()
function looked like which updated the UI with the returned data:
function populateRoles(data) {
DWRUtil.addOptions("authForm:user_roles", data[0]);
DWRUtil.addOptions("authForm:remaining_roles", data[1]);
DWRUtil.addOptions("authForm:user_groups", data[2]);
DWRUtil.addOptions("authForm:remaining_groups", data[3]);
A little ugly, but it worked. I was pretty happy with the overall result, but not real happy with the means, so I decided to look for a more JSFy way to go about it. Having been privy to discussions by Ed Burns about his jsf-extensions project, I decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, it was not a pleasant experience.
Based on the documentation, I think should be able to do this:
<h:selectOneListbox id="users" size="20" style="width: 175px"
onclick="new Faces.Event(this, { render: 'authForm:user_roles,authForm:remaining_roles,authForm:user_groups,authForm:remaining_groups' }); return false;"value="#{authBean.currentUser}">
<f:selectItems value="#{authBean.users}" />
Despite several variations, including the use of ajaxZones as suggested on the mailing list, I was unable to get to much of anything to work. I know that it can work; I’ve seen the car store demo, which is pretty cool. I was not, however, able to replicate that success in my project. I could get it to make the call to the server, but it never updated the UI. Very frustrating. Needing to get something working so that I can actually code my app, I decided to try <a target="newwindow" href="https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net">Ajax4jsf</a> and had _much better success.
The change for Ajax4jsf was pretty simple. Here’s that very same select box:
<h:selectOneListbox id="users" size="20" style="width: 175px"
<a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="user_roles,remaining_roles,user_groups,remaining_groups"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{authBean.users}" />
I also apparently had to wrap the area in a <a4j:region selfRendered="true">
tag to make things work (though I may test that a bit more when I get a chance). After making the requisite web app changes, I redeployed and tested the application. When I clicked the user list, the action on the backend was indeed fired, but I ended up getting nothing but a blank page in my browser at the end of the request. After a quick email to the mailing list and a very helpful link from Adam Brod, I found my problem: a JSF newbie mistake. I had forgotten to wrap my form in <h:form>
tags. Once I made that change, it worked like a charm. That, of course, could be the reason jsf-extensions didn’t work for me — something I plan to test, if for nothing else, peace of mind. I have A4J working, though, so I’m not sure I see the value in switching to jsf-extensions (beyond the personalities — Ed Burns, Jacob Hookom, etc — behind it and the stated goal of the project which is to be a playground of sorts for possible JSF 2.0 features). If I can get it working, I’ll sit down with the rest of the guys in my office, and we’ll make a decision. For now, though, I have a working solution, and I can continue implementing the application and getting some real work done. :)