Coming Up for Air



  • Multitenant PostgreSQL

    As more and more of our applications move into "the cloud", multi-tenancy has become a pretty big thing these days. In a nutshell, "multi-tenancy" means handling multiple customers data using, say, a single server. This concept scales, of course, to clusters, etc., but the concept is the same: a bunch of people’s data all mixed together in one big bucket. The problem, then, for the development team is isolating one customer’s data from another’s, disallowing, for example, the viewing or editing of another customer’s information. There are a myriad of ways to accomplish this, but I’d like to discuss here a way to accomplish this using a single database.



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    My name is Jason Lee. I am a software developer living in the middle of Oklahoma. I’ve been a professional developer since 1997, using a variety of languages, including Java, Javascript, PHP, Python, Delphi, and even a bit of C#. I currently work for Red Hat on the WildFly/EAP team, where, among other things, I maintain integrations for some MicroProfile specs, OpenTelemetry, Micrometer, Jakarta Faces, and Bean Validation. (Full resume here. LinkedIn profile)

    I am the president of the Oklahoma City JUG, and an occasional speaker at the JUG and a variety of technical conferences.

    On the personal side, I’m active in my church, and enjoy bass guitar, running, fishing, and a variety of martial arts. I’m also married to a beautiful woman, and have two boys, who, thankfully, look like their mother.

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